Contoh Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Orang Sedang Berpidato

Lionphysics4n -Contoh Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris!Apa kabar semuanya?Kembali lagi bersama saya dengan artikel-artikel bermanfaat yang dapat anda baca setiap hari secara gratis alias tanpa membayar kepada siapapun.

Kali ini saya berkesempatan untuk membagikan sebuah artikel yang berisi Contoh Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris.Pidato di bawah ini dapat anda gunakan untuk keperluan tugas sekolah atau keperluan kegiatan lainnya.

Pidato bahasa inggris ini tidak terlalu panjang agar anda dapat menghafalkannya secara cepat dan mudah.Tidak hanya pidatonya yang pendek kalimat yang ada di pidato di bawah ini pun,mudah untuk diucapkan.

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Contoh Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable ones; the juries, the participant of creative English speech contest and all audiences.

Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing Place. And also don't forget to deliver Sholawat and Salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness.

Ladies and gentlemen

Today, in this gold opportunity, I would like to give you a speech about "Our Environment".

Realize it or not, we live in this world depends on the environment, we drink water from our environment, we breath air from our environment and we eat foods which planted from our environment. Our environment has a great influence in our live. Our environment gives us life. Good or bad our environment definitely will affect our live even our existence.

Let's close our eyes and remember few years back. There were many green trees around us. But now those green trees are gone and replaced with grey stiff buildings.  Few years ago, we could still breath deeper to fill our lung with fresh air of oxygen. But now that refreshing oxygen was gone and replaced with thick Carbon Monoxide. Few years ago, we could still look at our reflections on the river because of the clear water. But now those reflection was gone and replaced with pale face of trash.
Carbon Monoxide that we breath and polluted water that we drink become our daily menu right now. Do we just stay still and enjoy those bitter menu everyday? Or we can do something small hoping to taste fresh oxygen and clear water once more.

Ladies and gentlemen

Small action such as planting some trees, put trash in the right place and reduce the usage of motor vehicel will save our environment from destruction. Once more, our life depends on our environment. Treat it well and it will treat us well.

I think that’s all my speech. I hope my brief speech about environment will be useful for us.  And also I would like to say sorry for all of my mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Itulah  Contoh Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris,bagaimana menurut anda?apakah menarik untuk di coba.Silahkan berikan tanggapan,saran,dan komentar anda sehingga saya tahu apa kekurangan dan kesalahan saya pada artikel ini.

Terima kasih telah membaca artikel ini Contoh Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris!Jika berkenan silahkan bagikan artikel ini ke berbagai macam sosial media.Contoh Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris!

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